

星期日那天我認識了一位新朋友L,星期二收到對方的Facebook pm告知,他非常肯定網上有一位活躍了三年多的「跨性別人士」-「CuteCat」以為數不少的本人舊照片冒認本人。CuteCat在大約兩三年前主動認識L,並自稱是希望變性的偽娘(註:日語用字,代表好裝份成女性的男性)。L很懷疑相片中人乃貨真價實的女性,但由於和CuteCat只是素眛平生的網友所以未有刻意注意。










Report someone using a fake account to pretend me

I found a Facebook account CuteCat Cat (https://www.facebook.com/Kawai.baby.bbcytecatcat02.jr) to pretend me Kiri Chloe Wong (https://www.facebook.com/kiri.c.wong) by using my photo in the profile and the status. The Facebook account CuteCat Cat infringed the Copyright Ordinate (Cap 528) in Hong Kong as I didn’t get permission to copy my pictures. I’m a blogger in Hong Kong (The website is https://www.kiri-san.com/) and CuteCat Cat’s fake account hurt my reputation. The Facebook account CuteCat Cat also infringed Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200 s161) as she access to computer with criminal or dishonest intent with a view with a dishonest intent to cause loss to another. In the addition, I has mental illness and the account of CuteCat Cat gave me a huge emotional distress. I’d like Facebook to block her account and remove all of her pictures related to me. If Facebook don’t take any actions, I’ll reserve all rights to proceed legal action.

[email protected]

使用香港法例去請救Facebook援助的結果又是怎樣呢?不出兩三小時已經有回覆,也是剛才的官腔。一模一樣的copy & paste。




「請各位朋友幫忙在以下假戶口的右上方按一下「舉報」,向Facebook提出此戶口持有人冒認本人(請記得同時填寫此人冒認的對象為”Kiri Chloe Wong”)。由於Facebook並無「客服」處理,凡事需要網上進行,本人需要你們的一人一按,謝謝!


多得各位網友、現實的朋友、本網的讀者們的幫忙,都不知有幾多人幫過本人一幅幅相片、一個又一個「Right Click」,雖然Facebook還是官腔地回覆我CuteCat沒有問題,該戶口還是凍結了。不過,在9月時,Facebook又把它解封了。


Facebook Customer Care,

I am reporting an issue caused by an impostor account on Facebook. The impostor Cutecat Cat (https://www.facebook.com/Kawai.baby.bbcytecatcat02.jr?fref=ts) is pretending to be Kiri Chloe Wong (https://www.facebook.com/kiri.c.wong) by using an impostor account on Facebook.

The impostor has been collecting images of Kiri Chloe Wong from the internet to make the account realistic enough to deceive even friends of Kiri. It is reasonable to believe that Cutecat Cat is engaging in activities which is harmful to the Kiri Chloe Wong’s reputation and personal safety.

Kiri Chloe Wong and I have already reported to Facebook using the report function provided by Facebook. However, Facebook only provide a link for me to send a message and I did not get further instructions after reporting about the false photos. Kiri received a reply from Facebook saying that the impostor is not violating any rules on Facebook shortly after she reported the incident.

This is outrageous and not acceptable. Since account integrity is the basis of Facebook, it is unbelievable that Facebook is not taking this issue seriously. This is a serious issue and has adversely affected Kiri Chloe Wong’s personal life and psychological health.

I request immediate action on the impostor account and possibly a revision on the unreasonably complicated Facebook reporting process.

Looking forward to your reply.

(add your name)



要是被冒認的受害者未能發起一人一Right Click活動,是不是就要讓偷相者冒認者一直被Facebook包容、消遙法外呢?而沒有Facebook的其他受害人們,又如何可以聯絡Facebook呢?


訂閱Blog主臉書: http://www.facebook.com/kiri.c.wong



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